香港輕新聞(Lite News Hong Kong)是一個致力於提供中立報導和獨到評論的網絡平台,成立於2015年9月。我們立足香港,關注全球的政治、時事、經濟、文化和趣聞。
UNRWA workers involved in terrorist activities against Israel must be held accountable. Since avoiding a humanitarian crisis is also essential, sustained humanitarian aid must remain available in Gaza now and in the future.
— Prime Minister of Israel (@IsraeliPM) October 28, 2024
以色列總理內塔尼亞胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)表示,以方會與國際夥伴合作,確保以色列繼續以不威脅自身安全的方式為加沙平民提供人道主義援助;強調參與針對以色列的恐怖活動的近東救濟工程處工作人員必須被追究責任。
聯合國秘書長古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)28日發表聲明表示,對以方此法案深感擔憂,強調聯合國救援機構「不可或缺」,以色列的法案「不可接受」。
If implemented, the laws adopted today by the Knesset of Israel would likely prevent @UNRWA from continuing its essential work in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, with devastating consequences for Palestine refugees.
I call on Israel to act consistently with its obligations…— António Guterres (@antonioguterres) October 29, 2024
近東救濟工程處主任專員拉扎里尼(Philippe Lazzarini)28日在社交媒體批評,以色列開創了一個「危險先例」,違反《聯合國憲章》以及根據國際法應承擔的義務,認為以色列此舉只會加深巴勒斯坦人特別是加沙地帶民眾的苦難。他認為以方有關法案將會削弱在二戰後建立的共同多邊機制。
The vote by the Israeli Parliament against @UNRWA is unprecedented. It opposes the @UN Charter and violates the State of Israel’s obligations under international law.
Failing to push back against these bills will weaken our common multilateral mechanism.
This should be a… https://t.co/kx5JJOVEGe— UNRWA (@UNRWA) October 28, 2024