
2024-11-01 23:52:15 最後更新日期:2024-11-03 12:10:31






 1528548488552n49rsr2173編按:一個在春節假期中進行戰備值班的部隊,正聽取這次特殊戰備值班的預先號令宣講。要知道這類大時大節期間。(來源: Bilibili視頻截圖)


同樣美軍《Joint Publication 1-02—Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms》則是定義【order】:「A communication, written, oral, or by signal, which conveys instructions from a superior to a subordinate.  (DOD only)  In a broad sense, the terms “order” and “command” are synonymous.  However, an order implies discretion as to the details of execution whereas a command does not.」亦是未將【order】定位成必然是上級下達作戰行動指令;作戰命令與命令還是存在差異。

其次就要談到在正式下達作戰命令前,預先提示下屬部隊預先進行準備之命令;依據《國軍軍語辭典》,特別定義【預備命令】:「為命令或處置之一種預先通知。旨在給予所屬對未來行動計畫有較裕餘之準備時間。」相對上《中國人民解放軍軍語》則是稱為【預先號令】:「warning order為使部隊預作遂行作戰任務的準備而發出的預告性命令。通常在作戰命令下達前以口頭或書面形式下達。」

0101編按:DEFCON(防禦準備狀態)是美國戰略警戒級別的分級,三級通常表示已進入國家危機狀態,而一級則是隨時爆發核戰。三級開始包括戰略部隊大部分都已在警戒狀態,隨時接受Alert Order之類的高度警戒、可能採取行動的命令。 (來源: Bilibili視頻截圖)


若依據美軍軍語,對於此類命令可就是相當複雜,其中包括【alert order】:「1. A crisis action planning directive from the Secretary of Defense, issued by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that provides essential guidance for planning and directs the initiation of execution planning for the selected course of action authorized by the Secretary of Defense.  2. A planning directive that provides essential planning guidance and directs the initiation of execution planning after the directing authority approves a military course of action.  An alert order does not authorize execution of the approved course of action.  Also called ALERTORD.」

同時亦有另個極為類似之【warning order】:「1. A preliminary notice of an order or action that is to follow.  2. A planning directive that initiates the development and evaluation of military courses of action by a supported commander and requests that the supported commander submit a commander’s estimate.  3. A planning directive that describes the situation, allocates forces and resources, establishes command relationships, provides other initial planning guidance, and initiates subordinate unit mission planning.  Also called WARNORD.」

 0101A編按冷戰時的單一綜合作戰計畫(SIOP)類似二戰前美國陸海軍聯席會議籌劃與通過的各類型顏色作戰方案,不過SIOP考慮的是與蘇聯或中國發生核戰爭時的攻擊行動部署。SIOP的各項預期行動在核戰爭時將會成為指令不同部隊發動攻擊時的條令。圖為已解密的SIOP 56(1956)的疑定共產主義國家城市打擊目標。 (圖片來自連結)


但從前述兩個辭語定義中,吾人會發現美軍極度重視計劃作為,因此不論是【alert order】抑或是【warning order】之定義,都會強調「計劃作為訓令」(planning directive)或是「計劃作為指導」(planning guidance),以便要求領受命令者先行啟動計劃作為。尤有甚者,美軍甚至還另行定義【planning order】:「A planning directive that provides essential planning guidance and directs the initiation of execution planning before the directing authority approves a military course of action.  Also called PLANORD.」以便充實【alert order】與【warning order】意涵;但相對上解放軍與國軍對同類命令之定義就相對鬆散不夠嚴謹明確。

對於實際進行作戰所下達命令,依據《國軍軍語辭典》定義【作戰命令】:「為指揮官發佈之有關作戰行動之命令。」《中國人民解放軍軍語》亦是使用相同辭語並定義【作戰命令】:「operational order指揮員對所屬部隊下達作戰任務的命令。按規模和層次,分為戰爭命令、戰役命令和戰鬥命令;按性質和內容,分為共同命令和個別命令。是實施指揮和部隊遂行作戰任務的基本依據。」

 5 Paragraph Operations Order OPORD編按:Operation order的基本架構,有敵我形勢的了解,任務內容,如何進行決策及調度、支援後勤及部隊的協調與指示的項目。(圖片來自連結)


依據美軍軍語則是定義【operation order】:「A directive issued by a commander to subordinate commanders for the purpose of effecting the coordinated execution of an operation.   Also called OPORD.」但是由於作戰命令經常是併同作戰計畫同時下達,因此在美軍軍語中,其實【operation order】會與【operation plan】相提並論,而【operation plan】:「1. Any plan for the conduct of military operations prepared in response to actual and potential contingencies.  2. In the context of joint operation planning level 4 planning detail, a complete and detailed joint plan containing a full description of the concept of operations, all annexes applicable to the plan, and a time-phased force and deployment data.  It identifies the specific forces, functional support, and resources required to execute the plan and provide closure estimates for their flow into the theater.  Also called OPLAN.  See also operation order.」

462545編按:Execute order通常會被理解為最高當局(如軍事首長或總統)的指令。有趣的是,星球大戰第三集銀河帝國皇帝下令風暴士兵殺死所有絕地武士的機密指令,也被稱為Execute Order 666。(網絡圖片)


此外美軍針對啟動或發起作戰行動,還特別定義【execute order】:「1. An order issued by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at the direction of the Secretary of Defense, to implement a decision by the President to initiate military operations.  2.  An order to initiate military operations as directed.  Also called EXORD.」並且在【alert order】定義中還特別強調:「An alert order does not authorize execution of the approved course of action.」並且特別定義【execute order】,其實就顯示出【alert order】確實是很容易產生誤解,進而魯莽地自行發起作戰行動。

針對作戰命令來說,解放軍特別依據性質和內容,分別定義【共同命令】和【個別命令】;其中【共同命令】:「common order對所屬各部隊統一下達的命令。」以及【個別命令】:「separate order對某一部隊單獨下達的命令。其內容僅限於與執行者有關的事項。」基本上國軍亦有經常使用之類似用語,但在《國軍軍語辭典》卻未設定專屬辭語條目,提供非常明確定義。


 講述fragmentary order如何運作的YOUTUBER講解。


不過美軍對於統一下達給各個部隊之共同命令,並未特別定義;但卻針對應變作戰行動(branch)或是後續作戰行動(sequel)所下達內容較為簡略,改變原作戰命令之後續補充作戰命令,提出下列辭語與定義【fragmentary order】:「An abbreviated form of an operation order issued as needed after an operation order to change or modify that order or to execute a branch or sequel to that order.  Also called FRAGORD.」在此必須嚴肅指出,許多軍事研究者經常望文生義,自作聰明地將【fragmentary order】與共軍所定義【個別命令】胡亂畫上等號,其實兩者意涵差異甚大。

Ga lSx 編按:空軍第72聯隊9月底時曾向屬下各單位發佈了一條mission type order,旨在要求各單位加強空軍基地聯隊的標準,並遵守嚴格的行為、服裝和儀表以及習俗和禮儀標準。該命令涵蓋了從核心價值、文化、服裝和個人儀表到宗教自由的方方面面。這似乎是長官不太滿意屬下一些不太嚴謹但影響形像多於實質戰力的行為,要求各自改善。(圖片及內容來自連結)


不過儘管軍隊在遂行作戰行動時,各方都希望其能依據作戰行動照表操課,表現出進退有方舉止有節並且作戰有序。但在現實作戰指揮上,上級對於所屬部隊兵力下達任務命令時,其實還是有可能保持若干彈性。在美軍軍語中,【mission type order】:「1. An order issued to a lower unit that includes the accomplishment of the total mission assigned to the higher headquarters.  2. An order to a unit to perform a mission without specifying how it is to be accomplished.」就是典型授予部屬自行決定如何完成任務所需彈性與空間。

Ga lSx2編按:需要指出的是,解放軍雖然好像沒有任務式指令的概念,但又不代表他們沒有靈活應對的概念,由朝鮮戰爭到最近的中印加勒曼衝突,仍可看到其應對得宜靈活的地方。或者,在收到命令後的伺機而行,解放軍內部文化是有另一番理解?(Youtube擷圖)



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By 2024-11-01
